Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Open Borders - Revised 4/2/04

I hate it when "nitwits" try to oversimplify political ideals in an effort to "dismiss" entire political parties. As an example, here are a few excerpts from a racist email editorial by Joe McCarthy that is making the rounds. My comments are in Bold.
I have also included a great response from Ragnar following the original message.

Why Libertarians Are a Joke, by Joe McCarthy

"...the issue that convinces me of the patent lunacy of Libertarians is found in the
Libertarian Party plank on immigration. Here is the pertinent excerpt:


"Undocumented non-citizens should not be denied the fundamental freedom to
labor and to move about unmolested. Furthermore, immigration must not be
restricted for reasons of race, religion, political creed, age, or sexual

We therefore call for the elimination of all restrictions on immigration,
the abolition of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Border
Patrol, and a declaration of full amnesty for all people who have entered
the country illegally. We oppose government welfare and resettlement
payments to non-citizens just as we oppose government welfare payments to
all other persons."

I hope I don't have to point how nutty it is to call for getting rid of the
Border Patrol and abolishing the border! It should be taken for granted how
nutty it is. If we abolished the border, America would end.
(Joe has employed "selective" memory in his presentation of LP philosophy. Here is another link to an editorial on the LP website which I feel BETTER summarizes the LP position on immigration - http://www.lp.org/issues/immigration.html. For the record, the platform can only be changed at the National convention. The next convention will be held in Atlanta later this year. The platform committee has been working on plaform changes to present at the convention.)

Those "huddled masses" that we read about on the plaque of the Statue of Liberty would pour
in by the millions. Anyone who could scrape together the funds would be here
on the first boat. Let's be serious -- this is lunacy!
(It is not lunacy. It happened for 100 years and we were the freest, most productive nation on earth.)
With zero border controls, coupled with our infinitely higher living standards, I don't think that it would be alarmist to say that we could expect HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of third world immigrants on our doorstep within a few months! Can you imagine the strain on our social services, infrastructure, and schools? (We have similar problems today! But isn't the REAL problem the social services? If we did away with free medical, free housing, food stamps, welfare checks, and minimum wage laws, how many millions would be flooding over the borders to live here? Then, wouldn't those coming to the US be contributing to the development? Isn't it possible that those coming in would actually benfit us all?)
...to mention the anarchy that would ensue as a result of so many people coming in so fast? WOW! Obviously the idea of abolishing the border is a silly idea. Anyone suggesting it should probably be under the care of a psychiatrist. (Isn't the notion that our borders are currently protecting us from a flood of imigrants equally silly?)

As if the above problems with open borders aren't bad enough, we have the
issue of terrorists entering our nation, which has been in focus since 9/11.
Unshaken, the Libertarians continue to push for their open borders nonsense!

Another pertinent point was raised by Pat Buchanan in his syndicated column
sometime back. Libertarianism, despite its anti-statist ideology, leads to
statism. Their advocacy of loose immigration will lead to a swarm of third
world immigrants who inevitably vote for Democrats in overwhelming numbers.
Of course, it is only natural that immigrants (and non-Whites generally)
would vote for the party that promises them the most lucre out of Whitey's
pocket.(See what I mean about racist? Joe is losing any credibility he may have started with.) Immigrants, on average are on welfare at a much higher rate than
natives, and Democrats excel at giving them other people's money. The idea
that Mexican immigrants, for example, would support privatizing Social
Security, or support Lockean ideas on property, or other Libertarianesque
ideas developed by 'dead white male racists' is absurd. Individual liberty
is a concept virtually unknown to the third world. It is not organic to
their culture or history. Therefore, Libertarianism, despite its avowed
anti-statism, would lead to statism on a massive scale. (It already has to a
degree. Most of us probably remember the Clinton scheme to short circuit the
naturalization process of making citizens out of immigrants in time for them
to vote Democrat in 1996. Sure enough, Libertarian 'think tanks' like the
Cato Institute have been on the front lines pushing hard for loose border

One thing that I find amusing about the Libertarian Party, is its utter
cluelessness on matters relating to race and culture. The fact that liberty
oriented, anti-statist ideas originated with White people, and is
consequently more likely to be implemented by Whites, seems to allude them.
Nor does it seem to dawn on them that the vast majority of their party
faithful are White. Do you see Mexican immigrants rushing to join the LP? Of
course not! Is there any reason to believe that Mexicans, who come from a
country rooted in socialism, statism, and collectivism will EVER support the
LP? Of course not!

So you see, at bottom, what clinches my argument that Libertarians are a
joke, is that they support a policy -- mass immigration -- which will
destroy any chance of their good ideas ever being implemented. Every time
another immigrant enters this country, the ideas of property rights,
constitutional government, and individual liberty go just that much farther
down the drain.

In conclusion, I'll leave any halfway sane Libertarians who may be reading
this with a parting message:



----- Begin Ragnar's comments ------

If I was held at gunpoint (the modus operandi of government) and forced to be
the "platform creator" for this plank of the LP, mine would go something like

=== addition / modification ===
Undocumented non-citizens, whether from outside the boundaries claimed by the
governments of the United States, the several states, or any county or
municipality therein as containing a monopoly on the use of force, or those
human beings from within the same boundaries who of their own free will choose
to be undocumented non-citizens should not be denied the fundamental freedom to

> labor and to move about unmolested. Furthermore, immigration must not be
> restricted for reasons of race, religion, political creed, age, or sexual
> preference.
> We therefore call for the elimination of all restrictions on immigration,
> the abolition of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Border
> Patrol, and a declaration of full amnesty for all people who have entered
> the country illegally. We oppose government welfare and resettlement
> payments to non-citizens just as we oppose government welfare payments to
> all other persons."

We therefore call for the elimination of all restrictions on immigration,
the abolition of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Border
Patrol, and a declaration of full amnesty for all people who have entered
the country illegally. We oppose government welfare and resettlement
payments to non-citizens just as we oppose government welfare payments to
all other persons.
=== addition / modification ===
Therefore, to alleviate the potential problems that would result from open
borders with loose government purse strings, we call for a concurrent
elimination of welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid, aid to dependent
children, Women Infants and Children (WIC), government schools, any other
wealth redistribution / transfer payment system of which we are not
specifically aware for any person be they "citizen," immigrant under current
"legal" status or immigrant currently considered illegal.

Then this Joe McCarthy, who must be a direct inbred descendant of Senator
Joseph McCarthy, drools all over his shirt front as he spews forth a babbling,
ad-hominem rant with not one iota of proof toward his emotionally charged
> ... I hope I don't have to point how nutty it is to call for getting rid of the
> Border Patrol and abolishing the border! It should be taken for granted how
>nutty it is.

Why should we take it for granted? Because this babbling neanderthal with a
thin veneer of intellectual prowess says it is so? If I start with an axiom
(that's right, I said axiom, it is axiomatic not derivative) that each human
being has a right to his own life, I cannot logically progress to a conclusion
that it is nutty to allow someone to travel unfettered where he desires without
first obtaining the approval of anyone other than the person who would own the
property where this person wants to travel.

>... WOW! Obviously the idea of abolishing the border is a silly
> idea. Anyone suggesting it should probably be under the care of a psychiatrist...

Maybe Joe can recommend his?

...Here we get an unsubstantiated conclusion posited by that virtuouso logician
Pat Buchanan:
> Another pertinent point was raised by Pat Buchanan in his syndicated column
> sometime back. Libertarianism, despite its anti-statist ideology, leads to statism.

Prove it!!!!!

> Their advocacy of loose immigration will lead to a swarm of third
> world immigrants who inevitably vote for Democrats in overwhelming numbers.
> Of course, it is only natural that immigrants (and non-Whites generally)
> would vote for the party that promises them the most lucre out of Whitey's pocket.

You racist bastard - I see where you are coming from now.

> that Mexican immigrants, for example, would support privatizing Social
> Security, or support Lockean ideas on property, or other Libertarianesque
> ideas developed by 'dead white male racists' is absurd.

It would probably take at least 4 of Senor Joe to produce the labor of any one
of the Mexicans around where I live

> Therefore, Libertarianism, despite its avowed
> anti-statism, would lead to statism on a massive scale. (It already has to a degree.

Where was this where Libetarianism existed and it is now massively statist? I
don't recollect any previously existing Libertarian society. Was it the one
this inbred's ancestor tried to save by his Senate communist witch hunt?


> In conclusion, I'll leave any halfway sane Libertarians who may be reading
> this with a parting message:

Was that message for the half that was sane or the half that was insane? He
concludes with the same ad-hominems that permeated his slobbering screed.

(No time to proof read, ya gets what ya gets)


"You are not to inquire how your trade may be increased, nor how you are to
become a great and powerful people, but how your liberties can be secured; for
liberty ought to be the direct end of your government." Patrick Henry

"I need to go feed my hogs." Irwin Mann in Unintended Consequences

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